The Wand Position

The Wand Position
Often Used for Magic

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Why Do The Birds Sing?

With wild rice, it was always meant for other creatures but when human beings first showed up the little beings showed the perceptive human beings - the native peoples - that this was safe to eat but you had to know how to get to it, when to wait for it and then to eat it and they observed and what to do and how.

And then since sensitive people amongst the humans were able to tell which area was meant for the little beings that ate the rice, the little beings pointed out by not going to an area and the sensitive people could also feel by moving their hand towards that area that that area was meant for them.

When rice did not grow so well at times then further observation by humans revealed that one has to sing to the plant to welcome it and this is how singing to plants got started.

When you sing you must be joyful. You must welcome it. It must feel welcome. So it's not sufficient to do the songs, you have to be welcoming and that is why when those songs are sung, as very often, the other beings that might be nearby also feel welcome. Such as the bees that do pollination and others. And when you do this you are fitting in to the flow of life where each form of life supports the other.

This is why the little beings often make sounds. Sometimes people do not understand why do the birds sing? Because they are welcoming life. Why do the insects make little noises? Because they are welcoming life. The more we learn to welcome life the more we will be at peace with our world and our world at peace with us.

Photo is © B. Kim Barnes, used with permission, and can be found at

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Holiday and New Year Greetings

I wanted to give you a special greeting and blessing for this special time of year.


Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Greetings, I notice I didn't mention this and I usually do every year here - so as a gentle reminder for those of you who like to read my holiday story that I write and put up every year, at least for the last few years, it's up now on Nice Little Stories.

Goodlife to you all.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Clearing for Halloween with True Magic

Clearing for Halloween and other exposures to malevolent energies radiated all around you whether they were radiated intentionally or otherwise. This clearing will help you for yourself or others including loved ones to get through Halloween or through troubling times all around and about you.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Changes In How I Post

For a long time now I've been sharing the wisdom I have with you in print here on these blogs and even stories on the stories blog but now I find as I get older I'm going to have to do this in a way that's easier for me and doesn't tire me out quite so much eh :-) so I'm going to shift over completely to video which I've been planing for a long time.

You'll still see video on Explorer Race as you have been so that won't change very much and you'll still see that also on my You Tube BenevolentMagic site so that won't change either but as far as all the transcribed material, that which I have written and posted through the usual process but instead of thinking and typing I've recorded it and transcribed it and posted just in case you're interested, that's all got to stop now because it's too much for one person to do.

Anyway I'm just letting you know. Feel free to consult with these blogs. I may still post, from time to time a video on these blogs here or there so you can watch for that but I'm afraid you're going to have to say goodbye to the print version. Maybe you won't miss it that much.

When I put up video these days it will mostly be Grandfather channeling through me but who knows...maybe there will be other things too.

I just wanted to say how much I've enjoyed interacting with all of you and it's not totally goodbye but it will be different. So, just to let you know. I love you all. Goodnight and goodlife.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Here's Something To Help Resolve Overwhelming Feelings

Do you mean what you say? How many times have you been prompted or simply asked by others, "Say what you mean!"

Sometimes it's difficult isn't it because the desire to be heard and to be understood and yes, to be appreciated is very strong. And yet very often the conditioning or the training has been to follow and sometimes with following, and actually quite often, you were not heard or at least it feels that way.

This is a time now when there is a great deal of mob mentality, I have spoken of these things before but I'm bringing it up again because it's important to remember that it is alright to be an individual.

If an individual dresses a little different, looks a little different, acts a little different - as long as it's benevolent - okay. And benevolent means safe for you - alright - and safe for others. If others are offended by the way you look you can't help that but if you are doing something intentionally to offend others you can help that.

So consider, are you saying what you mean or are you being mean to be mean. The trouble is, it's so overwhelming isn't it. One wants to, very often, yell and scream and get back at whoever it is thats been bugging you but the trouble is - so often one winds up getting back at those who didn't do anything to you simply because they are available and the others aren't.

So - recommendation: when all these wild feelings come up, and they will come up more and more these days especially because we feel safer in groups - alright - even if the groups are groups of unusual individuals - even if, first go out on the land someplace okay* and I recommend the following true magic to not only keep you safe but also to keep you in balance so that you will be safe while not harming others intentionally or unintentionally.

So, go on the land either during the day or during the night - it doesn't make any difference. Stand and face** the north. Put your arms straight out in front of you with your palms down. Then slowly move your arms so that you wind up with your left palm with fingers spread wide - and thumb okay - on the left side of your chest and your right palm with your fingers and thumb spread the same way on the right side of your chest (use the photo as a general guide to hand position).

Then say the following, "I am asking that I be safe and secure unto myself in the most benevolent way for me resulting in the most benevolent outcome for all beings." Hold that position for about a minute - don't look at your watch, just make your best guess. If it goes a little over a minute that's fine.

After that put your arms down at your sides hanging loosely there - alright - and make 1 complete rotation to the left ending up facing north - or as close to north as you can face. Then take 3 sidesteps to the left. Make a one quarter rotation to the left and take 6 sidesteps to the left. Then, by turning left you may turn until you are facing the direction you need to go and you can go on with your life.

I'm bringing these things up because they are real and because they come up for us even though we don't like to admit it very often - but when it happens if you have done this true magic it will be much more gentle and you will be able to much more quickly regain your balance, your composure and your sense of humor.

Goodlife to you all and goodnight.

*Know that as a general rule of thumb, as people say, it's important to care about that which you are performing true magic for. This way you do not have any inner conflicts or feelings in conflict in your body with that which you are attempting to do. This could not only cause you to feel uncomfortable but it would generally impact the true magic so much that it may not do any good.

This is what I recommend. Go outside if you can and as always try not to wear shoes that are insulating you - keeping your energy, you understand, from moving into the ground. If you need to wear shoes try to wear something that is made of a natural fiber - even leather, that's fine but not plastic or rubber - not an insulating material.

Then go out on the land someplace. And remember - always to go someplace where you feel safe including your own backyard if that is a place to feel safe but if you go out in the country or someplace else always do these things someplace where you have permission - that's important - so that you can feel safe and so that those who may have some claim to the land upon which you are standing will be comfortable with your presence.

It's always good to do true magic in a place where there is no conflict - outer or inner. This way it is more likely to work in the most benevolent way. You can of course wear insulating shoes to get there if you have to drive there or have to go in a vehicle of some sort but once you get there put on non-insulating shoes or go barefoot if you feel comfortable there and then stand out on the land.

**We face north because that is the direction where creation takes place and it is also the direction where the manifestation of what we are attempting to create begins to take place in our outer world as well as in our inner world.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Urgent Message For Your Help

Alright now, this is a urgent message. As you know there has been many earthquakes and other events happening in various places in the world so I'm going to suggest you do this if you have not done anything like this so far or recently.

First ask for all the most benevolent energies to be all around and about you, then pause for a moment. If you feel the energy come up wait until it fades just a little bit and then say very slowly, "I am asking that all those individuals and beings within the areas where there are earthquakes and/or the threat of earthquakes and tsunamis and/or the threat of tsunamis receive all the help, love and support they need now from all those beings who can help them in the most benevolent way for them especially during these times of Earth motions."

As always, if at any time during the stating of these words - and always try to remember to state them exactly as I have said here - if at any time during the stating of those words the energy comes up then wait until it fades and continue saying the words. The energy is the activation of what you are saying and the application through the light network of the light beings of all beings including Mother Earth and including through the physical aspects of ourselves and all beings that are allowing such actions to take place.

Goodlife to you all and goodnight.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Gentling The Process Of Change

There is something happening now in our society and that is the struggle against change. Not just the struggle against benevolent change but the struggle against change.

This is not only a spiritual phenomena but it's somewhat of a psychological phenomena. I do not declare or proclaim in any way that I am an expert in psychology for I am not but I think that you could talk to any therapist and find out that there is resistance to change very often.

What is occurring is that we are now totally locked into and evolving towards a more benevolent outcome on our planet - so that is assured. I need to tell you that so that those who are resisting change might realize that one of the things they're resisting is moving towards that benevolent future.

I know that right now all your lives in almost all ways are feeling totally out of balance but you have to remember that the balance that you have managed to maintain, not everyone but many many people, is based upon many levels of discomfort as well as some small comforts.

It's important to recognize that in order for you to be at ease with change which must take place so that we can shed aspects of our lives as well as shedding behaviors on a societal level that are self-destructive - these patterns of self-destructiveness come in many different shades and varieties and while I'm not going to go into all those at this time I'm simply going to say that I feel it would be beneficial if you all performed a benevolent magic now in order to bring about the most comfortable and benevolent outcome for you personally and we'll add a little something extra at the end.

First ask for all the most benevolent energies that are available for you to be all around you and all about you. Then pause for a moment.

Then say, "I request that I am able to easily release all of that that I have been hanging on to that causes me discomfort in the slightest and in the greatest ways and the motion that I evolve towards as a result become benevolent for me in the most benevolent way resulting in the most benevolent outcome."

Pause for a moment - and remember always that any time you feel any energy during the saying of these things that you pause and then continue the words when the energy fades a bit.

Then say, after that last pause, "And I am also asking that all those around me at all times be affected benevolently only, by the energies that are happening within me and all around and about me."

This last addition allows the benevolence that you are requesting for yourself to affect others if they are not moving in that direction. It will provide some support that they may move in that direction when the time is right for them.

That is what I recommend. Goodlife to you all and goodnight.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Urgent Message

Now, you may perhaps remember that I have encouraged people to move back from the shore lines as you may find here and here for example and there have been other comments - sometimes by Grandfather such as this video and to a degree this one as well and other such suggestions.

I don't want to be overbearing about that especially during these times of emergency* but I do want to suggest that you say a special living prayer today. First ask for all the most benevolent energies that are available for you to be all around and about you. Pause for a moment.

Then say, "I am asking that all those beings who are living within a level of 5 to 10 feet above sea level anywhere in the world now have all the support they need to move to comfortable residences and workplaces that are at a higher level above the sea and that this will all happen for them in the most benevolent way."

I don't wish to underscore things like this too often but as you know these predictions are not meant just to be entertainment. These predictions put out here and there in various places are meant to be encouragements to maintain a comfortable lifestyle or at least strive for one and live away from the shores because Mother Earth intends to reclaim many of her shores so that the life in the sea and her functions of her waters be maintained or strengthened.

Goodlife to you all and goodnight.

*During earthquakes and tsunamis for example.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

More Of The Moon's Gifts For You

Moonset over Lake Tahoe
Originally uploaded by kimbar
You know, the Moon provides us with a great deal of strength - yes it does. Maybe you don't always think about that.

Here's a suggestion. If you know you're going to be doing something that requires a great deal of physical energy or that might be an emotional drain or for that matter might require a great deal of thought that is exhausting and that this is either out of the ordinary or maybe occurs on a cyclical basis, then try to time it if you can for 3 days before the Full Moon, the Full Moon and 3 days after the Full Moon which is as you can see about a week so that gives you a good range.

During that time the Moon is providing more love and endurance in the physical sense and in the mental sense and in the feeling sense. The Moon does provide this and that's part of the reason why it's as close as it is to this planet. It is needed then you see.

So conversely what I'm saying - there is a suggestion isn't there. If you know you're going to have such strains physically, mentally or on the feeling level probably a time that would not be so good to do this would be 3 days before the New Moon, the New Moon and 3 days after the New Moon.

I know some people feel that New Moon time is special and I'm not saying it isn't, what I am talking about today though is about support, nurturance and nourishing energy that can support you through a difficult time.

I know that it's not possible always to do this but if there is a chance it also would be a good time to be giving birth around that, what I'm going to call, Full Moon Cycle. Of course that's going to be up to life as it unfolds and baby when they're ready to emerge.

Still, generally speaking that's what I recommend for such times of strenuous activities and things that might drain your energy. Towards that end I'm going to suggest the following. Try to say this at least a few days before you might have something you have to do that's strenuous in the way I mentioned or if you need to, just a few hours before - that might also be alright.

You might say, "I am asking that all that I need to do now in this time of demand upon my energy occur during that Full Moon Cycle where I will have more support, love and endurance and I am asking that this occurs in the most benevolent way for me..." pause for a moment "...and for all beings."


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Your Eyes And Your Soul

One often sees in dramatic movies, especially old ones or ones done on a budget eh, that a character or even a cartoon has eyes that glow in red and of course we accept the fact that this is artistry done for effect but are there ever any occasions when real beings that we interact with on a regular basis - a dog or a cat for instance or others - might have eyes that glow red in the dark, off a reflection or very briefly with a look like a glance.

Contrary to popular belief nowadays this does not mean that the purpose is some kind of evil doing in the case of a natural being especially - and by a natural being* I mean one who is here on Earth to be themselves - not here to learn anything in particular - by learn anything I mean that their souls have not come here to learn unlike all of us humans eh. We've all come here to learn and Creator has provided for us many opportunities to do so eh. Sometimes we don't like the opportunities and other times we do :-)

I'm going to pick a moment or two that some of you might have seen especially associated with an animal that is often misunderstood. Occasionally cat's eyes will be seen as red briefly. I'm going to tell you now exactly what that means.

There is no evil connotation whatsoever. If a cat say is in the dark or in a dark spot or you glance at the cat at just the right angle you might see them with this reddish eye and that is because at that moment the cat is totally and completely grounded in Mother Earth physically and the color of Mother Earth especially her stone - if you could see the color and many of you can see these colors - is red. Red in that color for Mother Earth has to do with vital physical energy.

So, I'm bringing this to your attention because sometimes what is fictional can seem to be factual if one is uncertain about who they are, where they are from, why they are here, what they are doing and other such questions that cause us to ponder about life.

There are other situations where you might see someone's eyes in a different color. Sometimes you will be riding with somebody in a car, on a bus, in a train, on a plane or even just sitting with someone that you know well or that you don't know at all and you will glance quickly in their direction and their eyes are a color that doesn't make sense. For instance they might seem to be purple or if you know them, briefly their eyes might seem to be blue or they might seem to be black and this is not so unusual unless the person's eyes are not that color and you know it for a fact. Always this has to do with their soul interacting with something.

In the case of a human being whose eyes are a color other than blue, if seen as blue in that split second that you glance at them their soul is often interacting with the star system Pleiades or sometimes connected to the sea.

This can also occur if someone is very fond of the sea or sailing or something that one does on the sea and therefore one can "show" that color briefly and if you're fortunate you might catch it and see it. But if the persons eyes are perhaps blue all the time, to give another example, and you glance over at their eyes and they appear to be black - all black - then this often has to do with their soul interacting in deep space with other beings or at the very bottom of the ocean or inside the Earth in the most benevolent way with beings who live in such locals.

Another time where you might see that dark color in someone's eyes, though their eyes are a different color, is when they are recalling in that moment and deeply connected to - in that second, often a split second - to a dream they had.

In the case of dreaming this connection that turns the eyes briefly, and usually seen when I say briefly from the side alright - then that color, is because that color is associated with the mystery of dreams.

I'm bringing these things to your attention because anomalies associated with the eyes of an individual can often be a source of distrust or superstition or worse yet - prejudice.

So, it is with the world - it is with spirituality. Never assume and don't be afraid to ask questions.

Goodlife to you all and goodnight.

* Animals for instance.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Be Careful What You Inhale, Part 2

Last time I was talking about the tension that might build up in our bodies because of our exposure to electricity or electrical devices. This time I'd like to make a suggestion for avoiding some of that when possible.

When you place your left hand on a wall switch to turn on a light, if you happen to be breathing in when you are doing that you might just take in through your left hand that tension that is associated with electrical energy in the wires in that wall switch. You won't take in the electricity itself of course because the wall switch has been carefully engineered so that you are safe when you touch it but the tension is there. What to do about that?

This takes some training and I have applied it myself and sometimes you will make mistakes and just naturally in the course of unconsciously breathing, be breathing in when you're touching a wall switch or other electrical object such as a microwave - touching it with your left hand for instance. So if you do that and you notice a tension build up in your body remember to do your clearing work as you might find here or here but if you're conscious of going to touch that switch here's a very simple thing you can do to avoid that tension.

Either exhale your breath while you are touching that wall switch or stop breathing for a moment - meaning hold your breath. Don't breath in, don't breath out. It'll just be for the very slight second or two that you flip the switch on or off.

That's the simple way to avoid taking in the tension that is associated with that electricity which wishes to be elsewhere since it is a portion of Mother Earth's body and its purpose, I believe, is to move things around in Mother Earth's body.

There has been a great deal of research into what is electricity and it is not my job to explain that here but from my point of view and from my teaching and expertise I would say that it is largely to do with Mother Earth's interaction with other planets, other star systems and has to do with her feeling body.

We have a feeling body of course and so does Mother Earth. We might think of her feeling body as something that she does when she moves portions of her body around as in earthquakes but I also feel that her electricity is a portion of her nervous system which may be what stimulates her to move this portion of her body this way and that portion of her body that way. We could suggest to ourselves that this makes sense since our own nervous system is involved in such communications in ourselves.

I believe that we are in many ways a microcosm of Mother Earth's body functions. Of course we are souls but our souls adapt to the form that is provided for us here on this planet by being made up physically of Mother Earth. This is what I believe.

I am hopeful this teaching and these exercises provided here will improve the quality of your life in the most benevolent way. Goodlife to you all and goodnight.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Be Careful What You Inhale, Part 1

Do you know that you inhale through your left arm and left hand? Many people do not know that. There is also a significant amount of inhaling that goes on through your left foot and left leg.

The left side of your body is generally the receptive side and the right side is generally the doing side - meaning the application side.

I'm bringing this up because I am currently teaching some advanced work on my A Mystical Man's World blog and I want to cover a different aspect of the interactions I'm speaking about there here on Benevolent Magic.

Many of you have, as a result of reading these blogs, learned how to clear yourselves as you might find here or here - if you did not know how to do that before you came here - and that's good because I'm sure you've had a lot of good use out of that already but this is something that's by way of a tip to pay attention to.

We do so many things don't we, that we don't really think about because it's part of our mundane every day - day to day world eh? One of the things we do is we touch things or we interact with things with our left arm and hand.

For example we might throw a light switch or we might adjust a thermostat or we might work the controls on the microwave. In short, we might touch things with our left hand that are specifically connected to something electrical. Some of these things are unavoidable such as typing on a computer for example, we all know that one eh but other things can be minimized - and what am I talking about - minimized?

This is the situation. Electricity, I believe, is something that is a portion of Mother Earth's body and while she somewhat grudgingly allows us to utilize her electricity it is in the nature of that electricity that it wants to be free and needs to move on about its own business. When we capture it, as I see it, utilizing generators and other equipment that allows us to run our appliances it remains in an agitated state.

Many of you know that electricity needs to be boosted up as it travels in distribution wires to our homes, offices and factories and it has to be regulated and many other things I'm sure you can explore on your own if you're interested in how it works but the important thing for us here today is that it's always trying to get out and it's looking for any way possible.

So, what happens very often - since we have electricity to a slight degree in our own bodies what with synapses in our brain and nervous system - is that the electricity when we touch something like an electrical switch especially with our left hand might unintentionally - very minor of course and not directly also of course because of safety standards with these objects - we might unintentionally take in some of that tension from the electricity being in the wires.

We're not taking in the electricity per se but we're taking in its tension - its desire to get out and about and do what it does naturally with Mother Earth. So if you notice a lot of tension in your body and there's no other reason to explain it it might just be because of this interaction with electricity and there's a certain amount of that tension in any modern home, office or factory that is wired for electricity so it's hard to avoid.

So try to do your clearing on a regular basis and I will have a little more to say next time. Goodlife.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

An Open Letter To My Friend Who Is Worried

Recently a friend of mine wrote to me about many things he was worried and concerned about. Because my answer to him, at least insofar as his worries went, was such that it felt important to include you - the greater community - in it I am sharing it with you here in two places on Blogger.

I hope you will feel reassured and know and understand that what I am teaching here is intended to improve the quality of your lives and to help you to improve the quality of the lives of others if you would care to learn and apply. It is always and only up to you.

Without further ado here is what I wrote to my good friend:

My friend, this is what I believe. The change that is coming is not one in the outer world. The change is going to simply be that people will see their outer world for the creation that it is and since they will be rapidly learning how to recreate, not in the old way with wars and harm and stealing and corruption but to recreate in a benevolent way, it will be much easier to change things for the better.

It is not an accident that I've been teaching about magic and benevolent magic at that for the past few years because that is what we naturally do when we are not on this planet and even when we are in a deep sleep state with our teachers and guides.

It will be much easier than you believe. It's not about living through the collapse of human creation anymore. It's about living through the recreation of human creation. It will be much easier than you think but it will require a letting go.

Here's the thing, if you're just letting go and the world is collapsing around you it can be tragic but if while you are letting go you are starting something new and recreating and working within the natural world of recreation which I have been doing for a while now it can be very benevolent indeed.

Zoosh* used to say - it's very hard to stop doing things but it's much easier to start doing things. That's intended you see because if you can include magic - not just the prayers, ja** those are very good but actually learning how to ask for things and learning new ways eh then it will be possible to create transformation of our world in a very quick and benign way. I have had much success doing these things working with other forms of life right here on this planet. I'm not talking about ET's. I'm talking about what people call animals and even the tiniest forms of naturally occurring elements of life.

There is so much love and co-operation that is available and I know that we can begin. I will continue to teach about Benevolent Magic, Living Prayer and True Magic and in time what I am teaching will become simpler and simpler. Right now it's as complicated as it's going to get and it will get much much simpler.

I'm writing this to you my friend but I'm also going to publish it without your name - only saying that this is an open letter to my good friend who is sometimes worried.


Sometimes in the past I have quoted some things, I have written to others, in blogs. I will continue to do this because I want you to know that I think of you as a community and I will include more and more of these things with you while protecting the identity and the privacy of those to whom I am writing.

I am hopeful that in time you will help each other and towards that end in Europe right now a friend of mine in co-operation with others is creating a site that will make it easier for you to exchange your experiences. I will say more about this in time but for now I just want you to know that that avenue is being worked on and that you will be able to stroll down it and perhaps meet new friends or even old ones. Goodlife.

*Zoosh is a profound and wonderful being whom I have channeled for many books and I'm sure you will be able to find out more about Zoosh and his wisdom if you read The Explorer Race for example.
**Ja is yes in German but more to the point it has to do with my Minnesota upbringing where a great many Germanic and Nordic peoples lived and many of their words quite naturally slipped into the local way of speaking. I've decided to just start writing them here in my blogs the way I actually speak in my life. It's a way of sharing my Minnesota traditions with you.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

More On The Moon And Your Feeling Body

You have noticed, many of you, how many people are on edge - nervous and worried. I have spoken of these things before but I feel it's important to bring up this matter again. I do not expect you to be able to command calm nor do I recommend it but I do feel that there's something you need to know - for certain things happen with purpose. So this is a bit of an awareness tip-off.

There is a time towards the motion of the moon to reflecting less light that is important for you to note. When the moon gets to the last quarter and starts moving towards the new moon this is a time when people get less support for their feeling body.

The moon provides a great deal of support for your feeling body and as a result without that light and if you do not live near a large body of water - a lake, the sea for example - and even more so if you live or work in a large building and don't get out very much you might find yourself getting a bit more nervous and jumpy. I know some of you know exactly what I'm talking about. So, couple of suggestions.

During this time of the last quarter until the new moon and then also the new moon to the first quarter of the moonlight it's very important for you to pay attention not only to your own jumpiness or nervousness but also that in others.

So, suggestion. Try to be around bodies of water if you can - but many of you cannot. In which case if possible, get out and walk around unless your work or your activities take you outside. If you're able, move around briskly on your walk or if you're able run if you can or jog - only if you are able and it's healthy for you to do so. But there are some of you who cannot do this for various reasons - then I recommend you do this.

When the moon is more full than the first quarter but at least a day before the full moon, because the full moon has other activities that it supports, or when it's at least a day after the full moon and the moon is moving back towards that first quarter but is not quite there yet - if you are able look towards the moon in the sky and say the following Living Prayer. "I am asking that even when I am unable to access the moon energy or the energy of the natural water in the sea or in the lake or at the headwaters of a river or at the spring that I receive light from the moon or extra light from the sun or extra light from Creator and Angels and other beings of light and love to support my feeling body and the feeling bodies of all beings."

That's what I recommend you do. Goodlife.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Safest Ways To Practice Magic

Prashant has asked a good question:

"...also I want to know why there are certain movements , physical gestures ( also I think in your Shaman book series of physical mastery ) are recommended. can't we just pray and ask for benovelent magic by speaking bit loudly from our heart without any movement ( in stillness) ?"

It has to do with True Magic. He wants to know why, putting it in my words here, it is necessary to do all the physical gestures and why you cannot sit quietly and change the words that are spoken - either in a Living Prayer or True Magic - to include more things you would like. These are reasonable questions and I will give you my answer now.

In order to accomplish the intention of the teaching as well as to welcome the outcome you are asking for in a most benevolent way it is necessary to be very specific and very clear.

The specificity of it has to do with eliminating any possible error. Sometimes errors can happen with the best of intentions and such intentions might seem to be magnanimous and loving but sometimes it can - as they used to say, "Throw a monkey wrench into the works."

So, to make it crystal clear especially for those of you who are easing into this work as compared to those like Prashant who have been on this path for a long time I wish to make it clear that the words are chosen with great care so that you will have the best outcome that is available. The gestures are primarily involved to amplify the effect and/or to make it very clear that what you are asking for is meant to serve the physical world.

The mind is not everything though it is a big help. By moving your body in such a way, and I will have video up about that hopefully later this year or early next year to show an example, then these motions will be intended to amplify and to create the best possible physical integrity - meaning outcome associated with the physical world - that you can produce.

I am also allowing for the fact that you are not all sitting here with me now getting training in the traditional fashion. This is a bit of a different thing on the Internet. Most of you getting this training I do not know personally and will never meet. Some of you I do know personally and some others I will meet in the future - I am sure of that.

So the reason for the gestures, the motions, the doing things in a very specific way, the asking for things either in Living Prayer, Benevolent Magic or True Magic in very precise words which is why they are in quotes is to make it the safest possible form of magic to make certain that all is benevolent including the outcome and to keep you on the path of learning. We are all on the path of learning, I am as well.

So, while I do not wish to sound like I am lecturing you and waving my finger in your face - it is rather that I am encouraging you to learn what you can while you are here and I will continue to offer what I am able while I am able. Goodlife to you all.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Gentle Influence With Mother Earth: Earthquakes, Part 2

Greetings. I'd like to add something to my former comments about earthquakes. There is something you can do now especially those of you living in earthquake zones who may have attempted and/or accomplished True Magic. So I'm speaking especially to you but I'm not going to leave anybody out.

If you haven't done True Magic before then I want to give you a Living Prayer that may help. It may not stop earthquakes where you live but it might make it possible for them to be much much smaller and more frequent which would be good if they were at about two or three on the measurement scale - then you wouldn't notice those even if they happened on a regular basis and even if they were bigger, say four for example, if it happened smoothly and gently it wouldn't be quite so bad as the abrupt extreme kind - you know what I'm talking about.

So as far as a Living Prayer goes I recommend that you first ask for all the most benevolent energies that are available for you to be all around and about you now in the most benevolent way. Pause for a moment and then say, "I am asking that all Mother Earth's natural lubricants come up now and fully permeate all of the areas of her body where earthquakes are likely to happen and for this to happen now in the most benevolent way for all beings."

Now for those of you who do True Magic as you can study here or also here or have attempted that then I recommend that you find if you can an area where you know there's an earthquake zone. If you cannot find it then simply go out and stand on the land in a place where you know you're welcome* and do the following.

First stand and face the north**. If you're doing this in the daytime then that's the best way but if you must do it at night then follow along and just substitute the moon for the sun alright?

So look up into the sky where the sun is - obviously close your eyes so that you do not harm yourself. If it's nighttime and the moon you can leave your eyes open. Just glance up for a moment with your eyes closed in the direction where the sun is and look down at the ground and open your eyes and look directly at the ground for a moment. Then make one complete rotation to the left ending up facing north.

Then raise your arms from your sides, you will have had your arms hanging at your sides with your palms facing your legs, raise your arms straight out from your sides so that they are pointed straight out with your palms down to the level of your shoulders - just straight out.

Then say, "I am asking that Mother Earth's oil and other liquids permeate her earthquake zones and other places she may have to move her body and for that permeation to allow her to move her body gently and more smoothly now in the most benevolent way for all beings."

After you say that wait for a moment, just pause. If you feel energy wait until it passes. You might feel it as a warmth in your body or a tingling, just wait till it passes. Then - gradually after it passes - then allow your arms to gradually move back down so that they're facing the sides of your body - alright. Just straight down, letting your arms hang down with your palms facing your body.

Then make 1 complete rotation to the left ending up facing north. Then look down at the ground. While you're looking at the ground make 6 sidesteps to the left. Make a one quarter rotation to the left and take 12 sidesteps to the left. Then turning left in order to face the direction that you need to go to leave, even if you have to turn several times, you can then leave and go on with your life.

That's what I recommend to help earthquakes to be less powerful or smoother or very frequent but very small in scale. Goodlife.

*Know that as a general rule of thumb, as people say, it's important to care about that which you are performing true magic for. This way you do not have any inner conflicts or feelings in conflict in your body with that which you are attempting to do. This could not only cause you to feel uncomfortable but it would generally impact the true magic so much that it may not do any good.

This is what I recommend. Go outside if you can and as always try not to wear shoes that are insulating you - keeping your energy, you understand, from moving into the ground. If you need to wear shoes try to wear something that is made of a natural fiber - even leather, that's fine but not plastic or rubber - not an insulating material.

Then go out on the land someplace. And remember - always to go someplace where you feel safe including your own backyard if that is a place to feel safe but if you go out in the country or someplace else always do these things someplace where you have permission - that's important - so that you can feel safe and so that those who may have some claim to the land upon which you are standing will be comfortable with your presence.

It's always good to do true magic in a place where there is no conflict - outer or inner. This way it is more likely to work in the most benevolent way. You can of course wear insulating shoes to get there if you have to drive there or have to go in a vehicle of some sort but once you get there put on non-insulating shoes or go barefoot if you feel comfortable there and then stand out on the land.
**We face north because that is the direction where creation takes place and it is also the direction where the manifestation of what we are attempting to create begins to take place in our outer world as well as in our inner world.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Maps And Old Friends

As I've been saying for a time, you have an opportunity now more than ever to see spirits in the sky and more. You will also have the opportunity to see terrain - not unlike maps where the tops or other portions of clouds may look exactly like mountains or rolling hills. You will notice this.

Perhaps some of you already have and then you might get a word or two or even three following one after the other about where this might be and perhaps even when. And then, and this is why I'm bringing this to your attention again, you might very well see a face in the clouds. Don't be attached to it being a human face. It might very well be the face of someone that you might see on Earth - a cat, a dog or something else. It will feel good to you.

Do you know, if you've had a cat you can often do what people sometimes call cats kisses where you blink slowly then open your eyes - and the cat might do that first or you might do it. It is an acknowledgment and an appreciation of each other. If you see that face in the sky and it looks like a cat or a dog, do that slow blink or watch for them to do it - for it may happen.

Spirit is reaching out to us now in many many ways and this will continue on a regular basis because we are rejoining our natural selves and our natural beings are coming to the surface within us. This is not something that's happening in the far-flung future. It is happening right now to remind us that benevolence is the way.

Let go of that which makes you miserable especially if they are memories. Try and let go. I recommend disentanglement for that purpose and you may have other methods.

This future time when we will be in a benevolent world is all around us in opportunity now. Let's grasp that opportunity and welcome it. Goodlife.

Friday, July 24, 2009

The Fine Art Of Forgiveness And Letting Go

There are quiet moments that we have at times eh. Things settle down and in these quiet moments sometimes that which we have not known or understood well or that which seems to be one way absolutely and not the other settles into a different pattern where forgiveness and allowance live.

In this position where forgiveness and allowance live it's often easy - or at least easier eh - to let go, let be and allow.

This does not mean that we discard our discernment or we do not offer constructive criticism when we are asked not when we are not asked. It does however mean that in those moments of stillness we can forgive ourselves for making repeated errors, as we may feel, or for stimulating wrath in others - we may feel.

But then we also have to consider perhaps there is other reasons for these things. Perhaps we didn't really stimulate that wrath. Perhaps we were just the last straw.

I'm going to give you some homework. Its been a while since I've posted to Benevolent Magic but I'm going to give you a little homework now. That homework is to reach for those quiet moments.

If they do not present themselves then make sure you have one every day. Not just in the bathroom, not just in the bath but something you have scheduled. For most of you the most easy time will be before bed or just before sleep.

In that quiet moment ask yourself, "Do I need to let go, do I need to allow, do I need to forgive?" If so start like this. First do the letting go exercise if you can as you can see here or read there and if that is not it then I recommend you say this - first asking for all the most benevolent energies that are available for you to be all around and about you. Then say, "I am asking that I have the capability to forgive myself for being fearful and to forgive myself for being angry based on that fear and to forgive all beings including myself for actions that were regretted. I am also asking that others be able to forgive themselves for these same things and that the result be the most benevolent outcome for all beings."

Then focus on forgiveness. Imagine it if necessary. If you cannot imagine it then play out a scene in your head where you forgive somebody or where they forgave you and you felt better.

In these times where there is so much confusion and so much challenge it is important to remember that love is not only what holds us all together but what binds us into one unit.

It will be alright. Do the best you can as you get through these times and we will meet again surely, if not immediately then in worlds to come. Goodlife.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Helping To Create Calm Amidst Strife

Greetings. You have noted, many of you in your neighborhoods all over the world that people are getting edgy and upset.

I would however - for those of you especially in big cities but also in smaller towns where you have individuals who may be living on the ragged edge if you know what I mean - if they start to erupt and become combatative, shouting and yelling and even fighting - not in the case simply of one individual or two but if this happens almost steadily for a day or so then I'm going to suggest that you do the following thing.

For those of you who can, adapt this to True Magic - I will not give you so many details. It is time now for you to take these actions yourself, those of you* who have been practicing True Magic.

Go to the places where I've discussed it on this blog and on A Mystical Man's World and read up about True Magic. If you have not been reading, studying and practicing these things though on these blogs then I'm going to suggest that you simply do this.

I'm going to suggest that you say a Living Prayer. First ask for all the most benevolent energies that are available for you to be all around and about you and wait for a moment. Then say, "I am asking that all those beings in and around this area where I live, where I travel and what I hear about now be calmed and soothed and know that they are loved and appreciated for who they are rather than who they feel they must be and that all beings receive all the love, support and help that they need now in the most benevolent way from all those beings who can provide that love, support and help in a benevolent way as well."

After you do that then just rest. Take it easy for a few minutes because many of you will feel some strong energies. Always remember before you do these things to drink water. This is especially important for those of you doing True Magic so that you are fairly well saturated - and go to the bathroom of course if you need to. Then do the True Magic or the Living Prayer or for some of you you may do it as Benevolent Magic if it involves you personally.

That's what I recommend. There will be other times now in the future when I will suggest that you apply what you have learned here to various circumstances in the world but do not wait only for me to say this for it may be possible for you to take note and to adapt what you have learned here to circumstances that you see.

Remember always to ask for what you want - not for what you don't want as mentioned in a previous post and also to keep clear on the purpose of these requests which is always to bring about a better life for all beings.

Goodlife to you all and goodnight.

*If you're confused and need to study more on True Magic, please do follow the links and study it. Don't perform True Magic if you're in doubt about how to go about it. This encouragement is meant for those of you who have been reading, studying and practicing all along.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Just A Little Reminder

I wanted to give you a little reminder. At this time we've all been worried about this and that eh - many things and I'm not here to say stop worrying because everybody says that and while I know and you know too that it won't change things still I want to make a suggestion.

I've mentioned this before but it's good to have reminders sometimes isn't it especially if I'm not exactly clubbing you over the head with it...just a reminder.

Now it's very easy to find yourself really sort of unconsciously saying things like, "I don't want this," "I don't want that" or "I don't want to have this anymore." "This" referring to something you don't want eh?

I want to remind you that it's really important to say what you want not what you don't want. You see, that part of ourselves that creates will create on the basis of what we say very often, not always but very often and so it's to our great advantage to say what we want. If we want something we don't have to say it a thousand times over and over again.

You've learned here on this blog, Benevolent Magic, how to request things you want with Benevolent Magic or Living Prayer and sometimes even True Magic which I've talked about here and on my A Mystical Man's World blog and occasionally on Explorer Race blog but many things come up don't they and it's so easy to get caught up in, "I don't want this," "I don't want that." I know that one too, I'm not preaching.

So - a gentle reminder. Start saying what you do want. You'll catch yourself sometimes and don't beat yourself up about it but when you catch yourself don't say, "No, not that' or "Scratch that" or something like that. You can skip all that stuff. Just say - this is what I want and need and then go on and say, "I want..." and whatever.

So that's the gentle reminder and if it's something that you need or even want and feel a need for, and that's alright, then remember to say a Living Prayer - "I am asking..." You know that one. So don't be shy about saying it. Don't save Living Prayer and Benevolent Magic up. Feel free to use it.

It will be for you and coming to you, alright, in the most benevolent way and it will also happen in the most available way. It's very possible that you will get a portion of what you want soon and maybe the rest when it's available another time or later - okay? Just a gentle reminder. Remember - say what you want not what you don't want.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Something You Can Do About Fear

History, unfortunately, has a great deal to do with the result of fear. When we are fearful we are very susceptible and vulnerable to being swayed and influenced...and at times this has value because it can bring people together and it can also bring help or stimulate you into helping others. So it can also bring your attention to something within yourself or within your environment that needs attention of its own. So fear works with us to bring our attention to what needs to be immediately addressed - we know this.

However when times, like we're in now all over the world, prompt fear and doubt and worry not only about the present but about the future very often we can become susceptible to snap your fingers simple solutions.

You know here on Benevolent Magic, especially those who've read this from the beginning and practiced the homework, that while what I offer here is simple very often it is not always easy because it is designed to bring you on to a path or to support your path of benevolence for yourself and others.

It doesn't guarantee to automatically make your life wonderful but it is intended to empower you and to support you to achieve many things you desire for yourself and others in a way that works with all beings rather than competitively against all beings and sometimes even, as you know from your experience ja (yes), competitively within yourself - inner conflicts eh. Often we don't even know they're there.

So today a little Benevolent Magic okay. I'd recommend that you go outside if you can and follow my usual procedures*.

When you're in that place that's just right for you look up into the sky. If the moon is out you can look at it. If the sun is out, you know, close your eyes and look in that direction for a moment. Then while you are standing facing north^ make 1 complete rotation to the left ending up facing north. Raise your arms over your head so that your palms come together. Then slowly lower your arms so that your palms are at each side of your body and touching your legs or thighs.

Then I recommend you say this out loud as always or whisper if you prefer, "I am asking that all those beings and people upon this planet who tread upon the soil, who move through the air, who exist underground and who are within the air that I breathe come together now with the energy of reassurance, calm and safety to produce an environment all around me and all about me wherever I go and whatever I do of those moods and energies so that simply by being I can spread consciously or unconsciously those good feelings."

Then relax for a moment. Make 1 more complete rotation to the left and end up facing north. Look down at the ground for a moment. Then look straight ahead.

Then take 6 sidesteps to the left. Make a one quarter rotation to the left. Take 12 sidesteps, or 10 if there's only room for that, to the left. Then turn to the left and end up facing the direction you need to go and walk away from that place.

The purpose of this True Magic, for that's what it is though it is incorporating to a degree Benevolent Magic - yes, is not so much to command or demand - it never is eh - it's rather to reassure.

Mostly what people need now is reassurance and there will be times when you can do this consciously. There will also be other times when it would be easier for you to be able to simply radiate it unconsciously. That's what this is meant to do.

I believe it will be of assistance and might just prompt you to have those feelings more often as well. Goodlife.

*Know that as a general rule of thumb, as people say, it's important to care about that which you are performing true magic for. This way you do not have any inner conflicts or feelings in conflict in your body with that which you are attempting to do. This could not only cause you to feel uncomfortable but it would generally impact the true magic so much that it may not do any good.

This is what I recommend. Go outside if you can and as always try not to wear shoes that are insulating you - keeping your energy, you understand, from moving into the ground. If you need to wear shoes try to wear something that is made of a natural fiber - even leather, that's fine but not plastic or rubber - not an insulating material.

Then go out on the land someplace. And remember - always to go someplace where you feel safe including your own backyard if that is a place to feel safe but if you go out in the country or someplace else always do these things someplace where you have permission - that's important - so that you can feel safe and so that those who may have some claim to the land upon which you are standing will be comfortable with your presence.

It's always good to do true magic in a place where there is no conflict - outer or inner. This way it is more likely to work in the most benevolent way. You can of course wear insulating shoes to get there if you have to drive there or have to go in a vehicle of some sort but once you get there put on non-insulating shoes or go barefoot if you feel comfortable there and then stand out on the land.

^ We face north because that is the direction where creation takes place and it is also the direction where the manifestation of what we are attempting to create begins to take place in our outer world as well as in our inner world.

Friday, June 05, 2009

Towards That More Benevolent Life

Over the years people have asked, with the best of intentions, "How can we speed this up." Meaning how can we speed some process, some trend, something up so that a desired benevolent conclusion can take place. And while I understand and appreciate these feelings it's not about speeding it up.

How many times have you tried to rush something - to make something happen and this or that happened and it just didn't turn out right. Or maybe it seemed to turn out right and later you noticed that something was missing and over time things just fell apart.

It's not about speeding up. I know it seems like that. After all when we want something and we get a sense of its presence and we even feel encouraged by something that we notice even for a moment there's a desire isn't there, to build up a head of steam and move towards it in whatever way feels best in the moment but you see it's very much like attempting to produce something when all the ingredients are not in place yet and perhaps not even all the chefs needed to produce that perfect meal or any other metaphor you'd care to substitute here.

I'm here to suggest that it is important to allow the pace, which is inexorably moving forward, to remain slowww. A slow pace means that everyone and everything is moving towards that goal with no one and nothing being left behind.

This pace of moving all the occupants of this planet towards a more benevolent life, that we all experience on a full-time basis when we're not here in Earth school and we're in our soul selves in other lives in other places, cannot be stopped.

It's just can't stop the orbit of a planet going around a sun. You can't stop what is natural. Though you might try to delay it and there are those who are doing that for what ever reasons make sense to them.

I just want to remind you that the reason the pace is as slow as it is, and I agree with you - at times maddeningly slow, is that no one is to be left behind. Of course during this time people will come and go. Babies will be born, old folks will pass over and that's part of the cycle of life as we know and understand it.

There will be things that happen that we will abhor and other things that we'll celebrate. Life goes on, not always to our liking but it does go on.

I'm here to remind you that as slow as it's going, and how much faster we'd all like it to go towards that benevolent place, it must go at the pace that includes all beings.

Towards that end I'm going to suggest a simple living prayer. If you feel up to it you can say it but don't say it if you don't feel it has value. First ask for all the most benevolent energies that are available to you to be all around you and all about you and wait a moment and then say, "I am asking that I be able to live in the moment to be present in my physicality, to have my spirit with me at all times and my soul in attendance and that I am able to enjoy the moment as well as possible and live my life in the most benevolent way that I am able."

Goodlife to you all and goodnight.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Finding That Steadiness Within

I know many of you are concerned about the situation in the Middle East but it's really part of a larger picture isn't it.

There are too many demands on too many people. Some are being expected to give things up that are near and dear. Some are expected to take on more and more and more until the breaking point. Some are simply ignored, others are shunned. This is, to a large degree, happening all over the world in many places and in many circumstances.

Sometimes it doesn't get reported but people in various areas know somethings going on and it amounts to this simple fact - that people are not being allowed to be people. They're not being allowed to be their normal natural selves. They're being discouraged from showing their actual personalities even though their opinions one day might be completely different the next day.

It's being demanded of many people that they be one thing all the time. Partially this is due to the fact that other people who may be making these demands are so overwhelmed themselves that they want to have something external to themselves that is absolutely the same that they can latch onto and say - okay, this is my rock for these shaky times.

We need to find that rock other places. I recommend finding it as something that is literally a rock, a boulder, a mountain. It is something from time immemorial that when people are overwhelmed for this or that reason that they always return to nature.

Find a place wherever you live that you can say - this is the land of Mother Earth and stand there if you can or look at it trying to keep as little that is man-made between your eyes - meaning your point of where you are standing yes, your point of view - and what it is you are looking at that you can say, "This is Earth" and nothing else.

You don't have to consider it scientifically, just look at it as something that is real. That rock and that natural thing.

If you are out on the land, perhaps you're able to drive out or someone takes you there, that is even better but if you are someplace where you cannot go past that point then look at the land. If you can't see the land then as a last resort it is perfectly alright to look at the sky, at the clouds. That's part of Mother Earth too.

Say, "This is real. I can depend upon it and if I am ever at a loss to find that rock within myself I will look at some part of Mother Earth and know that this I can count on. It will be there and I can believe in that."

I'm not saying to give up your religion, your belief in Creator in what ever way you have but as human beings we need something physical - something we can count on. Something yes, that we can touch because our beliefs no matter how dear to us are not always physical are they.

They are thoughts we may hold dear to ourselves - spirit yes, we love and cherish and yet we do need that physical contact with something that we know is there and that we can count on to be there.

Towards that end when those moments of overwhelm come up or when the opportunity to be in contact with Mother Earth or look at Mother Earth is presented lets remember to say this simple Living Prayer, first asking for all the most benevolent energies that are available for you to be all around you and all about you.

Then say, "I am asking that all within me that is in tumult be calmed by the physical presence and eternal physicality of Mother Earth and that my status as an Earth Person makes this a part of my being that I know I can count on and that I can release my friends, family, loved ones and those I admire from being this rock for me - that I will be my own rock united with Mother Earth to keep me steady and to remind me who I am, that I am of value and that Creator supports my existence with Mother Earth and eternity."

Goodlife to you all and goodnight.

Photo is © B. Kim Barnes, used with permission, and can be found at

Sunday, May 03, 2009


I've been talking for some time now on this site and on several of my others about Living Prayer, Benevolent Magic, True Magic and other forms of requests and interactions with all life.

Remember when what you have asked for, for yourself or for friends or family or for people in general or others, when these requests are even partially fulfilled and especially if it is noticeably so - meaning it comes to your attention in one way or another - be sure always to pause when that realization touches you and to say thank you.

Remember who you asked and who it might cover. You might be thanking the tiniest particles or the most massive beings. So make your thank you a heartfelt demonstration of your actual feelings. Wait until you feel thankful and then say - thank you.

You can keep it simple. You can perhaps at times have pictures that come up or simple cognizance of what may be eligible for your thanks. Other times you will simply say your thank-yous to the world of all beings at large - that's alright too.

It's not that you owe anyone anything - it is a matter of politeness not unlike opening a door for someone and them casually saying thank you and going through or having dropped something and someone rushing by stops, picks it up and hands it to you. Of course you say thank you. Sometimes they've already rushed by but you say it anyway. It's a matter of being polite.

It's not necessarily for them, it's an acknowledgment by you about something that is a good experience that you've had and you're acknowledging it to life at large. So this is always good to do when it is something you are thankful for.

I'm not trying to teach manners here, just a simple suggestion and perhaps as you might say - a follow-up. Goodlife to you all and goodnight.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine Flu

I know many of you are concerned about the Swine Flu. This is what I want you to do if you would.

Relax someplace for a moment where you are standing, sitting or laying down and ask for all the most benevolent energies to be all around you and all about you. Then pause for a moment.

Then say, "I am asking that all those beings who are exposed to, experiencing or otherwise interacting with Swine Flu now be insulated and protected from harm in the most benevolent way for them and if I should be exposed to this in any way that I am also insulated and protected from harm."

Stop now and pause for a moment and say, "I am also asking that the organisms responsible for producing this disease and discomfort now reform their existence into something more benign and benevolent for all beings."

Pause for a moment and then say, "I am asking that all these things I have asked for just now happen in the most benevolent way."

That's what I suggest. Remember if you feel energy come up at any time let it be there and pause in the words you are saying because that's the energy going to work - the beings, the benevolent light beings, guides, angels - yes perhaps Creator - and just pause even if it happens before you begin saying the words or after you have stopped saying them.

Just pause and allow the energy to be present. Don't send it anywhere, don't ask for it to go someplace, don't push it anywhere. Recognize that you are the transmitter as a physical Earth human and its passing through you so as to co-ordinate with the being type that you are so that the energy focusses on assisting that being type and of course will also help other beings.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mother Nature is Prepared to Help You

Some of you have been wondering how to handle the extremes of day to day life. Sometimes you're put into a position where you know you're supposed to express happiness, perhaps at this or that social event, and other times you know you're supposed to express seriousness and you don't always feel serious.

In this day and age so much is expected of the individual that we were not trained for. Times are changing but people at their core remain essentially the same.

So I'm going to suggest a couple of things. One - when you feel that you've just had too much and can't take it anymore, find a big tree - alright? It has to be a tree that's really quite old and sturdy, been there for a while kind of tree you know, not a young tree or if there's not a lot of trees where you are there might be a mountain or something close to a mountain - okay - as long as it's not man-made and part of nature - okay?

Then this is what to do. Just go out or get as close as you can to that tree or that mountain and look at a portion of it where as far as you know there's nothing man-made.

So if it's a tree but there's wires nearby look at some part of the tree where there are no wires but don't go up and touch the tree. Same thing about the mountain. If you know there's houses on it don't go and stare at that part. I've brought this up before but I need to bring it up again. And just, while you're looking at it, take 10 deep breaths slowly not quickly and just exhale naturally.

I've used this before when I've spoken about the sun in order to give you energy but I'm bringing this up now because the social demands of life sometimes either catch us unawares or put us into a position that's awkward for us and we just need some extra energy or something to calm us.

Of course you can't rush out to your tree very often when these social instances take place but here's what you can do. Once you've had that experience once or twice with the tree or the mountain you can close your eyes for about 30 seconds - you see - and during that 30 seconds even if you're in a crowded place where you're safe alright - an office, something like that, just turn away from everybody.

It's alright if you're facing your computer or whatever you need to face and if you can close your eyes for a moment - that 30 seconds or so - imagine that tree and try to remember exactly where you were standing and how you were standing. Remembering that situation as best you can breathe in and out again. Not deep breaths where you are puffing. Just remember how you did it before and be conscious of your breath in and out.

If it was to get extra strength such as looking at the sun or if it was to become calmer and more grounded such as looking at the tree or the mountain then this will help.

So you see very often, as I've said before, one thing is built on another and one thing leads to another. Goodlife.

Photo is © B. Kim Barnes, used with permission, and can be found at

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Worry and the Present Moment and More

I'd like to share something with you that I wrote to a friend of mine in Europe. This is a portion of an email that covered topics about worry, inspiration and other:

I want to share something with you that I received as an inspiration. Did you know, perhaps you do, that it is possible to hear from portions of your body combined with other beings which gives you a more personal and intimate encounter with yourself. Here for example is a quote from my heart that I needed some time ago that is apropos to your email, "The best thing for me is to remain in the present moment where I will almost always feel safe and if I don't I can feel the warmth and enjoy what I have now." This of course refers to my worrying about something that I don't even remember now.

You are right my friend that when our minds are attempting to serve us, that in association with a issue that we may not even be able to resolve because perhaps it has to do with others or events that may simply be happening around us you know, just sort of worrying in the background that our mind will engage with worry that our mind apparently feels - no doubt we were conditioned to feel this way by the adults that raised us or others - our mind will worry as a substitute for analyzing and solving. You understand this.

So what I have been doing over the past day or so is to make the effort to stay in the present moment. There's something I do to accomplish that. It's not quite physical but it has a physical counterpart. I will reach around with one or both of my hands and contact a space that's in front of the center of my heart area - by this I mean the center of my chest.

I just sort of reach around and touch my auric field with both my hands or just my right hand or just my left hand. This brings me into the present moment as my auric field is strong there.

An alternative version is to very gently use your fingertips of either your left or right hand and touch that same region in the center of your chest and this immediately brings me into the present moment and when this occurs for me I notice that all worrying stops.

I am hopeful this will help for you my friend as it has helped me. The nice thing about it, as you said that you noticed that you were doing this, is that when you notice it (worrying) you can immediately do that even if you're doing something else. If you're riding on the train or on the bus or if you are even driving it may be possible to do that without even glancing down because you can do it by feel and your driving skills and observation may even be heightened because you will be giving your full attention to what is happening in the present moment.

Now I'd like to add a little more for you:

Now about hearing from portions of your body. Start small - meaning don't necessarily go to your heart. Try your left or your right hand and if you're using your hands then just one or the other.

Move your hand around, touch the fingers together and so on and look at your hand. Don't ask your hand a question or anything like that but ask in this way.

First ask for all the most benevolent energies to be all around and about you to assist you in this communication process. Wait a moment and then say the following, "I am asking that all those spirit beings, guides and others that help me and assist me and guide me that they help me now to receive a word or two that will steer me towards an understanding of what my hand wants me to know."

Wait a moment. You might get a word or two. If you don't get a word right off - don't assume - wait. It might come through just after a dream or it might come through just before sleep. Don't assume that it's accurate right away - write it down and follow this same process 3 or 4 times a week for the next 2 weeks. Then look at all the words you've acquired for that portion of your body and see which one feels the best.

For those of you who feel warmth you will notice that the warmth comes up to a degree for one or more words, these are the words to pay most attention to. Then if this works for you and you are able to take in the fact that portions of your body can speak to you, once you have engaged further with the statements from your hand you can if you wish proceed with the next hand or leg and in time but not immediately work towards inner portions of yourself. The most important being your lungs or your heart.

That's what I recommend for now. Goodlife to you all and goodnight.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Your Feelings Wish To Speak

I've been talking about feelings here on this blog and on my others for a long time now and I'm sure you notice that feelings are up and things that might not have otherwise affected you so much in the past now seem very pronounced and your feelings come up strongly. This is meant, I believe, to guide us towards living more instinctually which I have discussed here and on some of my other blogs extensively.

I want to give you something short that I recommend you do for yourself, your friends, your family and your community. It's a living prayer and I feel that it's something significant to do now.

First of all as always I recommend that you ask for all the most benevolent energies that are available for you to be all around and about you and then wait for a moment or two until you can feel the energy or you feel a greater sense of relaxation.

Then say out loud as always, "I am asking that all those I know including myself and in the greater community here and beyond be able to experience and demonstrate their feelings now in the most benevolent way for them and have those feelings received and acknowledged by others benevolently as well."

It is a time now that our feeling selves, our feeling body if you would, must express itself. I believe that the suppression of feelings has caused a great deal of mischief and even harm in the past even though many times those who taught to suppress feelings had the best intentions. Still now I feel that our feeling bodies wish to speak, so to speak, and I believe that ultimately this will be a good thing. Goodlife to you all and goodnight.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

More On Creating Clearly

Have you noticed? We are being challenged by something right now. You may be considering, at any given moment, something good. Perhaps making plans, perhaps in the process of something and then all of a sudden comes a stray thought after which you'll identify it as a fear and your body will get a kind of sad or depressed feeling.

At that moment you must make an effort to refocus yourself in the thing that you were doing initially especially if it's benevolent so that you can recapture that feeling.

Right now we're all being tested on how well we can create and in order to create well for ourselves and others we must remain, to the best of our ability, focused in a benevolent plane for ourselves and for others.

We don't have to think about it so much but rather it's a feeling. So assume, it's really important now to assume that feeling. This means to take it in, to feel it, to familiarize yourself with the feeling in your body.

To that end I'm going to recommend this. Bring yourself to that feeling. Find a way that you would be feeling benevolent about something. Think about something that you've experienced that felt wonderful to you or think about something that would feel wonderful to you so that you can get that good feeling in your body - and then just stay in that feeling or go into that feeling and see if you can feel it more in your body. That's your homework.

It's important to do this so that you will be able to more easily identify when those other feelings come up that have to do with fears or worries about something that could happen - maybe something that did happen some other time - so that you can have the energy of benevolence, that good feeling, that you might be able to more easily create and have those benevolent results and outcomes.

I'm not trying to test you. I'm trying to encourage you to practice this thing. It's not complicated and I have complete faith in your ability to do it.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Being More Of Yourself

Where in the world can you find a state of being that will help you to feel more of yourself within and externally as you demonstrate your personality to others and at the same time to feel safe to show it.

I'll tell you where. It's important for you to have a sense of yourself. This is hard to find sometimes.

The older you get the more you're conditioned and experiencing the consequences and effects of all your exposure to this and that or this or that person but in the center of the Earth there's a great deal of reserve of everyone's heart energy.

So if you can, to do this, sit on the ground outside. If you can't sit right on the ground than sit on a low slung chair so you can reach down with your hands. Don't touch the ground with the palm of your hands or your fingertips.

Rather just let your arms hang down either side of the chair and relax your fingers so they're curled a bit and touch the backs of your fingers to the ground.

Then extend yourself - meaning allow your energy, your awareness - alright - of your physical self to flow down your shoulders into your elbows and into your fingertips and then straight on down into the ground. Try it through both arms.

If one doesn't feel good then pull the energy back up both and lift up the hand that didn't feel good doing that. Leave the other hand down there or put the other hand back down there and extend your energy. Stay in your body but extend your energy into the ground so that you get to a point where you have a good feeling. It may not be all the way to the center of the Earth, it may just be a short way.

You'll probably get that feeling in your solar plexus. It may be warm, it may just be a good feeling. When you get that feeling - wait until the feeling fades - alright. When the feeling fades then remove your hand from the ground and relax for a moment.

After you've relaxed for a moment, which could be anywhere up to a minute or two, then you can get up and go on about your life.

You can do this up to 3 times and there is no great timing involved. If you do it one day don't do it until the next day or you can do it a week later or a month later or a year later but it won't have the same effect if you do it 2 or 3 times the same day - alright.

After you've done that at least once and you get a quiet moment sometime then say this - first asking for all the most benevolent energies that are available for you to be all around and about you and pausing for just a few seconds.

Then say, "I am asking that I have all the portions of my personality that I need now to express myself as myself in the world in which I'm living which will result in the most benevolent outcome..." pause for a moment "...for all beings."

That's what I recommend now. I hope it helps you. Goodlife.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

More On Acquiring What You Need

Now I want to give you a little reminder. I know that you know this but reminders are important when there are so many tensions and nerves are frayed.

So...remember what you need is best to be asked for directly. Of course we all want to have more money, more income, more reliable support - this is natural. We also need certain things don't we.

Sometimes these needs won't wait - it's pressing. It's important though to generalize these requests in some ways and to be specific in other ways - meaning if you need a more reliable car to not be asking for a new car.

Remember that when it comes to Benevolent Magic, Living Prayer or True Magic what words you use are taken absolutely literally. Therefore if you ask for a new car it might be a long time coming to get a brand new car but if you ask simply to have a better car, one that's reliable and that you can count on, that might come much quicker.

I'm picking cars even though that's not the most frequent need. After all we need to eat, we need to have a good place to sleep that's safe and comfortable. Pick any of these or other things that you need and I'm going to give you a True Magic for that today but first I want to give you a basic request to ask for something.

You might say, "I am asking that I now receive..." then fill in what you need " the safest and most benevolent way for me now and that my use of this will result in the most benevolent outcome for me."

It's important to add that last part because sometimes we might request something that we consciously or unconsciously feel is not the best thing for us or others so we add that last part in case it turns out that having that thing would not be as good as we think. It's important so I'm adding it.

Now the True Magic is simple - okay? Remember to find that best place* for you. When you are at that place for yourself again find the spot on the land that's just right, just comfortable for you.

Stand and face the north and first before you do anything just with your arms at your sides fully relaxed... (if you have a hat on that's okay, you don't have to take it off. If you're in cold country it's alright to have on whatever you need to stay warm.) ...first say, "I am asking that the provisions I am asking for now will be delivered to me in the most benevolent way for me."

Wait for a moment after you say that. You might feel some energy or some warmth within. If you're feeling that wait until it passes because this is part of the manna used to receive and to acquire and to be assisted.

When it passes then make one complete rotation to the left - alright - and stop (end up) facing north. Then raise your arms straight up over your head and have your palms facing forward. Then move your wrists so that your palms are facing each other and move them slowly towards the center over your head so that your palms touch very lightly.

If you must wear gloves or mittens that's alright but try to make sure that they are not made of rubber or plastic - that's not the best way.

Then you may slowly bring your arms back down to the sides of your body with your hands first moving back out to that position they were in before they were over your head, then moving your arms back down slowly to the sides of your body so that your palms are facing the sides of your body.

Make one more complete rotation to the left - end up facing north. Pause for a moment. Then ask for what you need.

Simply say, "I request that..." then fill in what you need "...come to me now in the most benevolent way for me and that my use of..." and then fill that in " benevolent for me and for all beings." Pause for a moment. Again if you feel the energy let it be there - if you feel the warmth let it be there and wait until it completely fades even if it takes a long time. It probably won't take more than a few minutes at most.

After that happens look down at the ground. Then look up towards the sky. If the sun is shining brightly you can close your eyes when you look up. Then look down at the ground again and wait for about a minute - your best guess.

Then take 3 side steps to the left. Make a quarter rotation to the left and take 6 side steps to the left looking down paying attention where you're going. Pause for a moment. Then take 3 more side steps to the left in the same direction you were going. Then turn to the left so that you end up facing whatever direction you need to go to leave. Then you may leave and get on with your life.

This is what I recommend. Goodlife to you all.

*Know that as a general rule of thumb, as people say, it's important to care about that which you are performing true magic for. This way you do not have any inner conflicts or feelings in conflict in your body with that which you are attempting to do. This could not only cause you to feel uncomfortable but it would generally impact the true magic so much that it may not do any good.

This is what I recommend. Go outside if you can and as always try not to wear shoes that are insulating you - keeping your energy, you understand, from moving into the ground. If you need to wear shoes try to wear something that is made of a natural fiber - even leather, that's fine but not plastic or rubber - not an insulating material.

Then go out on the land someplace. And remember - always to go someplace where you feel safe including your own backyard if that is a place to feel safe but if you go out in the country or someplace else always do these things someplace where you have permission - that's important - so that you can feel safe and so that those who may have some claim to the land upon which you are standing will be comfortable with your presence.

It's always good to do true magic in a place where there is no conflict - outer or inner. This way it is more likely to work in the most benevolent way. You can of course wear insulating shoes to get there if you have to drive there or have to go in a vehicle of some sort but once you get there put on non-insulating shoes or go barefoot if you feel comfortable there and then stand out on the land.