The Wand Position

The Wand Position
Often Used for Magic

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Feeling Enlightenment, Part 2

Now today I would like to talk to you about enlightenment. Do you know that when you are born - as a child yes - a little baby - you are born enlightened.

It's true and you retain that enlightenment to a degree until you are about six or seven years of age but I have to tell you something now thats very interesting and that is that - that age of enlightenment is extending and in about ten to twelve years you will find that instead of just six or seven years old you will maintain that enlightenment in a special way when you are still - maybe seventeen years old.

You'll retain it in the following way - you will have the capacity to know what people are saying by what they're feeling.

This is very interesting because it will allow you to know not only when people are being truthful because their feelings may not match their words but also it will allow you to grasp - not only through your physical feelings the truthfulness of what people are saying but you will be able to experience pictures.

Now some of you already know what I'm talking about. You'll be able to experience some pictures that will pop into your mind. Think about what this could mean. It means that no matter what language the person is speaking to you, you will be able to understand a minimum of thirty percent and for some of you up to sixty percent of what the person is saying even if they are speaking a foreign language or if they are unable to speak at all or unable to speak their language as they once did.

Think about it. There are diseases, there are situations for people where they are no longer able to communicate and speak their own language and you will be able to know - the young will be able to know and interpret. Isn't that wonderful.

Also I'd like you to consider something. There are people amongst you who are able right now to know what a person is feeling regardless of what they're saying. These people, if they know they have their capacity, are very valuable in many positions in society because they can tell when someone is being truthful or not - but sometimes the person who may not be truthful may not be intentionally lying.

Think about it. How many times have you said to your friend or loved one or child or anyone thats close to you, "I love you" or "You're my best friend" and you mean it as a thought but your feelings that you have in your body at that moment do not interpret into that. You are not feeling love when you are professing it. You are not feeling friendship when you are acknowledging it.

I want you to try something if you like - a little extra homework - something to try with a friend or loved one. Say to your friend or loved one - we'll use loved one as an example - sit quietly for a moment, both of you, facing each other perhaps and feel love - feel true love.

Don't say anything, don't touch the person - just get in the feeling of love for that person and when you have that feeling - then say, "I love you" and wait for a few minutes until the feeling passes and the other person - then you get into that feeling - then you say, "I love you." Afterwards compare notes and see how it felt.

This kind of communion is much more beneficial to both parties and it allows you to not only be clear that - yes indeed you do love this person but also to understand the nature of language. Language is not intended to be a substitute for feelings. It is intended to make your feelings known out loud - thats really it.

It has been turned into an intellectual exercise but its real purpose is to make your feelings known out loud - did you know that? I think in order to experience your enlightenment it would be good to consider the baby - you are born with enlightenment as a baby - and babies always know whether someone is being honest with them - you can't say to a baby, "I love you" and not feel it - if you don't feel it, babies going to know or they're going to be confused when later in life someone says, "I love you" - see.

It's good young parents and grandmother's and grandfather's too. Feel that love when you tell baby, "I love you" because then baby will recognize when they grow up when someone says, "I love you" - the feelings they are feeling in response to that person saying it and feeling it will be equal.

Babies are born enlightened and if this is so and we are all born that way then maybe we can find a way that we can remember our enlightenment. Try the exercise if you have a loved one. If it is a friend, then feel friendship and say, "You are my friend." Just adapt it - do you understand. Give it a try, it might be fun.

Goodlife to you all and goodnight.


Seven said...

Having become a grandfather last year I particularly appreciate the way you bring this lesson in to context for individuals like myself as you bring it to a close. I sense truth all around and within this post
As always; you are appreciated.

Robert Shapiro said...

My friend, it is always good to hear from you and I am happy to hear that you are a Grandpa now. Congratulations and goodlife to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

As a practising Buddhist for a number of years, I am relieved to know that enlightenment is not exclusive to Buddha alone! Your words make so much sense to me because of your common sense approach to what is really going on around us, you are a wise and beautiful being!

Robert Shapiro said...

Greetings. Thank you for your kind compliment. Those are very generous and benevolent words indeed.