Thursday, April 29, 2010
Breathing With The Plants
Breathing with the plants in order to connect to Earth's most comfortable citizens. Remember to pay attention to your dreams after you have done this work.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
More About Visions From Grandfather

The transcription you see below is an exact transcription of a video by Grandfather that didn't turn out. Fortunately the audio portion did and thus I am able to provide that for you.
Greetings, Grandfather. I want to talk to you today a little more about visions. Some of you have been having visions about Earth changes and there are differences between visions and nightmares.
I talked a little bit about nightmares and what you can do about them in the last post here but there are differences with visions.
For one thing with visions if you see something frightening you generally wake up or snap out of it if you are awake and just having a vision while you're say, traveling from one place to another - not driving, not involved in something that requires your attention but just noticing all of a sudden that you're having a vision and snapping back into what you were doing before. You're having these experiences now, some of you, and more of you will have them as I've mentioned before.
So the difference between the nightmare then and a vision isn't always simply because you're sleeping and you're awake. Many times the vision will happen as a dream when you're sleeping but the big difference is that in a vision you're not in it.
You might wake up at some point when some portion of the vision frightens you and then you feel frightened - meaning you're coming up to awareness but the reason you were coming up to awareness is not because you're having a nightmare. You're actually having a vision of something general. Usually visions do not happen for a specific situation, now don't worry - I'm not going to leave that out - I'll get back to that. Usually they happen over something general.
Now many of you have had visions over the last few months of smoke or haze and you didn't know what in the world that meant. Well now it's global news about the volcano eruption in Iceland because of its impact on world travel and so on but of course other volcanos are erupting now and have been for some time. The hazy vision has to do with air quality - okay - and so there's that.
Don't be shy to talk about a vision. If you wake up from a dream, as it seems to be, and you have just no words but a strange phenomena you can make a note of it.
Just, for instance, try to keep something nearby that you can speak into. If it's possible, some kind of recording device. It doesn't have to be fancy, just something you can reach over - not reach your body over - reach over, put your hand on right away and bring up to your mouth and mumble a few words.
You may or may not be able to understand the words after you wake up but they might trigger you to remember by listening back to the recording.
If you keep a dream book and it's important to you by all means wake up and write it down. I don't generally encourage that these days because there's so many other things that are interrupting your sleep and you can easily get too focused in writing down your dreams and lose too much sleep over it but I'm not going to make an issue about that now.
Visions are happening because you're being - not just warned - you're being subtly encouraged by your Guides and Teachers and yes Angels, to begin to use your visioning process as part of your day to day life when you are conscious and have a moment, alright.
This doesn't mean to do an imagination. It means be open to receiving visions that will help you or others to have a more benevolent happy life.
So towards that end I'm going to suggest you say the following Living Prayer. *First ask for all the most benevolent energies that are available for you to be all around you and all about you. Then wait for a few seconds. If you feel an energy wait until it fades a bit before you go on. That's the benevolent energies that are available for you whether you know they are there.
Then say these exact words, "I am asking that I be open to receiving visions that are safe for me to notice and observe and to record and that these visions happen for me in the most benevolent way." That's all you say.
Wait a few moments every time you say a Living Prayer or do a Benevolent Magic or a True Magic. Wait a little bit afterwards and let it settle. Sometimes there's a slight pause and then they'll be another surge of energy but if you move around you'll miss that - and the energy is what brings it about. So, good for you to know that eh?
Now there's a little more. I'm going to get back to something. Sometimes you will have visions that effect individuals - yourself or others. If you have a vision and you do not recognize the people in the vision this is what to do. We're going to also say a Living Prayer in the same way. You say the same request* before the Living Prayer, write those words down if you haven't already, and then pause after you come out of an energy surge which many of you might feel and say, "I am asking that all those people and beings in my vision receive all the help, love and support they need now to help them through the circumstance that I saw involving them."
That's all. Wait for the energy. If it's there it might take a moment and then it will pass.
If it is somebody that you know write down as much as you can of the vision and if you can tell them or help them or guide them because they're interested in such things you can tell them about the vision - not to scare them, not to frighten them - so try to be calm when you're telling them. But if it's somebody you know and you can't tell them for any reason then say that Living Prayer I mentioned before, only say it like this after you do your *preamble as I mentioned.
Say, "I am asking that..." and then fill in the names of the people or person that you recognized in the vision "...receive all the help, love and support they need now to get through this experience that I have seen that is a potential for them and for that to happen in the most benevolent way."
Remember that visions are often potentials, not absolutes. Alright, that's enough about visions for a while. Goodlife.
*Remember to always say before you do a Living Prayer, a Benevolent Magic or a True Magic the following words which are a request. First say out loud as always or you can whisper if you like, "I am asking for all the most benevolent energies that are available for me to be all around me and all about me."
Then wait for a few seconds. If you feel an energy wait until it fades a bit before you go on. That's the benevolent energies that are available for you whether you know they are there or not.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Dreams: Keeping Nightmares in Check
More about dreams, visions and nightmares. With nightmares it is how to transform them or stop them in a much more benevolent way and with dreams and visions it is about the ongoing stimulations you may be triggering them with or even causing a interference there.
It is a time now when dreams and visions are taking up a great deal of your life because much of what is being created in the world has everything to do with your dreams and visions.
There will be more about visions here in a day or so.
It is a time now when dreams and visions are taking up a great deal of your life because much of what is being created in the world has everything to do with your dreams and visions.
There will be more about visions here in a day or so.
Friday, April 23, 2010
More About Physical Contact With Spirits
There are spirits here now helping you or occasionally needing your assistance and you will know they are present because they will have the means or be supported by other spirits to make contact with you in a physical way that you can feel. It won't be extreme, it will be very gentle.
In this video those of you who are on your spiritual path and/or dedicated to it will learn what to do and how to do it in the simplest and most benevolent way and you will discover that many times they are simply here to help you.
In this video those of you who are on your spiritual path and/or dedicated to it will learn what to do and how to do it in the simplest and most benevolent way and you will discover that many times they are simply here to help you.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Insightful Moments Dropping In
You will have moments now when you are in touch with your true natural native personality that goes beyond this planet and has no limits such as our limits we experience here.
These moments will be portrayed for you in visions and even in moments of insight such as you will experience as described in this video.
These moments will be portrayed for you in visions and even in moments of insight such as you will experience as described in this video.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Dreams As Another Life Form
Experiencing life in a dream as another type of being altogether will be an experience many of you will have this year or even the next. You may have this experience once or twice.
It will be stimulated by a space rock passing at a considerable distance but you will remember the dream because of your sense of intimacy and feeling - very much like another type of being altogether.
It will be stimulated by a space rock passing at a considerable distance but you will remember the dream because of your sense of intimacy and feeling - very much like another type of being altogether.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
2010 Predictions: Color, Rain and Your World
Specifics about what is known as the Pole Shift. Also information regarding rain in different colors and the effects it might have on you in various benevolent ways.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
True Magic To Support All Souls
True Magic* to support and create a benevolent atmosphere of energy for all souls to awaken and be on their true pathways towards benevolence for all beings.
*Know that as a general rule of thumb, as people say, it's important to care about that which you are performing true magic for. This way you do not have any inner conflicts or feelings in conflict in your body with that which you are attempting to do. This could not only cause you to feel uncomfortable but it would generally impact the true magic so much that it may not do any good.
This is what I recommend. Go outside if you can and as always try not to wear shoes that are insulating you - keeping your energy, you understand, from moving into the ground. If you need to wear shoes try to wear something that is made of a natural fiber - even leather, that's fine but not plastic or rubber - not an insulating material.
Then go out on the land someplace. And remember - always to go someplace where you feel safe including your own backyard if that is a place to feel safe but if you go out in the country or someplace else always do these things someplace where you have permission - that's important - so that you can feel safe and so that those who may have some claim to the land upon which you are standing will be comfortable with your presence.
It's always good to do true magic in a place where there is no conflict - outer or inner. This way it is more likely to work in the most benevolent way. You can of course wear insulating shoes to get there if you have to drive there or have to go in a vehicle of some sort but once you get there put on non-insulating shoes or go barefoot if you feel comfortable there and then stand out on the land.
We face north because that is the direction where creation takes place and it is also the direction where the manifestation of what we are attempting to create begins to take place in our outer world as well as in our inner world.
We turn to the left because that's the way the Earth turns and manifestation is then most likely to occur.
*Know that as a general rule of thumb, as people say, it's important to care about that which you are performing true magic for. This way you do not have any inner conflicts or feelings in conflict in your body with that which you are attempting to do. This could not only cause you to feel uncomfortable but it would generally impact the true magic so much that it may not do any good.
This is what I recommend. Go outside if you can and as always try not to wear shoes that are insulating you - keeping your energy, you understand, from moving into the ground. If you need to wear shoes try to wear something that is made of a natural fiber - even leather, that's fine but not plastic or rubber - not an insulating material.
Then go out on the land someplace. And remember - always to go someplace where you feel safe including your own backyard if that is a place to feel safe but if you go out in the country or someplace else always do these things someplace where you have permission - that's important - so that you can feel safe and so that those who may have some claim to the land upon which you are standing will be comfortable with your presence.
It's always good to do true magic in a place where there is no conflict - outer or inner. This way it is more likely to work in the most benevolent way. You can of course wear insulating shoes to get there if you have to drive there or have to go in a vehicle of some sort but once you get there put on non-insulating shoes or go barefoot if you feel comfortable there and then stand out on the land.
We face north because that is the direction where creation takes place and it is also the direction where the manifestation of what we are attempting to create begins to take place in our outer world as well as in our inner world.
We turn to the left because that's the way the Earth turns and manifestation is then most likely to occur.
Monday, April 05, 2010
4-4-10 More About Earth Changes
There are Earth changes happening now and it will be up to us human beings to be able to moderate them with the wisdom and the magic that we can do. I am honoring you and trusting you to do these things whether I am here or not.
So, here is some suggestions and instructions and a request that you do what you can do when you can do it about what must be done.
For further study on these things read about what I have posted for earthquakes here and also here, hurricanes, tornados and flood. Goodlife.
Know that as a general rule of thumb, as people say, it's important to care about that which you are performing true magic for. This way you do not have any inner conflicts or feelings in conflict in your body with that which you are attempting to do. This could not only cause you to feel uncomfortable but it would generally impact the true magic so much that it may not do any good.
This is what I recommend. Go outside if you can and as always try not to wear shoes that are insulating you - keeping your energy, you understand, from moving into the ground. If you need to wear shoes try to wear something that is made of a natural fiber - even leather, that's fine but not plastic or rubber - not an insulating material.
Then go out on the land someplace. And remember - always to go someplace where you feel safe including your own backyard if that is a place to feel safe but if you go out in the country or someplace else always do these things someplace where you have permission - that's important - so that you can feel safe and so that those who may have some claim to the land upon which you are standing will be comfortable with your presence.
It's always good to do true magic in a place where there is no conflict - outer or inner. This way it is more likely to work in the most benevolent way. You can of course wear insulating shoes to get there if you have to drive there or have to go in a vehicle of some sort but once you get there put on non-insulating shoes or go barefoot if you feel comfortable there and then stand out on the land.
We face north because that is the direction where creation takes place and it is also the direction where the manifestation of what we are attempting to create begins to take place in our outer world as well as in our inner world.
We turn to the left because that's the way the Earth turns and manifestation is then most likely to occur.
So, here is some suggestions and instructions and a request that you do what you can do when you can do it about what must be done.
For further study on these things read about what I have posted for earthquakes here and also here, hurricanes, tornados and flood. Goodlife.
Know that as a general rule of thumb, as people say, it's important to care about that which you are performing true magic for. This way you do not have any inner conflicts or feelings in conflict in your body with that which you are attempting to do. This could not only cause you to feel uncomfortable but it would generally impact the true magic so much that it may not do any good.
This is what I recommend. Go outside if you can and as always try not to wear shoes that are insulating you - keeping your energy, you understand, from moving into the ground. If you need to wear shoes try to wear something that is made of a natural fiber - even leather, that's fine but not plastic or rubber - not an insulating material.
Then go out on the land someplace. And remember - always to go someplace where you feel safe including your own backyard if that is a place to feel safe but if you go out in the country or someplace else always do these things someplace where you have permission - that's important - so that you can feel safe and so that those who may have some claim to the land upon which you are standing will be comfortable with your presence.
It's always good to do true magic in a place where there is no conflict - outer or inner. This way it is more likely to work in the most benevolent way. You can of course wear insulating shoes to get there if you have to drive there or have to go in a vehicle of some sort but once you get there put on non-insulating shoes or go barefoot if you feel comfortable there and then stand out on the land.
We face north because that is the direction where creation takes place and it is also the direction where the manifestation of what we are attempting to create begins to take place in our outer world as well as in our inner world.
We turn to the left because that's the way the Earth turns and manifestation is then most likely to occur.
Sunday, April 04, 2010
Magic and Community
Steps along the way to develop and support community through the use of Living Prayer and beyond into the intricacies and applications of True Magic*. For further study on True Magic you might go here or here.
*Know that as a general rule of thumb, as people say, it's important to care about that which you are performing true magic for. This way you do not have any inner conflicts or feelings in conflict in your body with that which you are attempting to do. This could not only cause you to feel uncomfortable but it would generally impact the true magic so much that it may not do any good.
This is what I recommend. Go outside if you can and as always try not to wear shoes that are insulating you - keeping your energy, you understand, from moving into the ground. If you need to wear shoes try to wear something that is made of a natural fiber - even leather, that's fine but not plastic or rubber - not an insulating material.
Then go out on the land someplace. And remember - always to go someplace where you feel safe including your own backyard if that is a place to feel safe but if you go out in the country or someplace else always do these things someplace where you have permission - that's important - so that you can feel safe and so that those who may have some claim to the land upon which you are standing will be comfortable with your presence.
It's always good to do true magic in a place where there is no conflict - outer or inner. This way it is more likely to work in the most benevolent way. You can of course wear insulating shoes to get there if you have to drive there or have to go in a vehicle of some sort but once you get there put on non-insulating shoes or go barefoot if you feel comfortable there and then stand out on the land.
We face north because that is the direction where creation takes place and it is also the direction where the manifestation of what we are attempting to create begins to take place in our outer world as well as in our inner world.
We turn to the left because that's the way the Earth turns and manifestation is then most likely to occur.
*Know that as a general rule of thumb, as people say, it's important to care about that which you are performing true magic for. This way you do not have any inner conflicts or feelings in conflict in your body with that which you are attempting to do. This could not only cause you to feel uncomfortable but it would generally impact the true magic so much that it may not do any good.
This is what I recommend. Go outside if you can and as always try not to wear shoes that are insulating you - keeping your energy, you understand, from moving into the ground. If you need to wear shoes try to wear something that is made of a natural fiber - even leather, that's fine but not plastic or rubber - not an insulating material.
Then go out on the land someplace. And remember - always to go someplace where you feel safe including your own backyard if that is a place to feel safe but if you go out in the country or someplace else always do these things someplace where you have permission - that's important - so that you can feel safe and so that those who may have some claim to the land upon which you are standing will be comfortable with your presence.
It's always good to do true magic in a place where there is no conflict - outer or inner. This way it is more likely to work in the most benevolent way. You can of course wear insulating shoes to get there if you have to drive there or have to go in a vehicle of some sort but once you get there put on non-insulating shoes or go barefoot if you feel comfortable there and then stand out on the land.
We face north because that is the direction where creation takes place and it is also the direction where the manifestation of what we are attempting to create begins to take place in our outer world as well as in our inner world.
We turn to the left because that's the way the Earth turns and manifestation is then most likely to occur.
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Merging With Mother Earth
Merging with Earth in order to create balance and stability. Stability for Mother Earth yes, and greater balance for you.
This builds a bit on Bilocation as you will find here and also here and is an application of that. Such exercises as this allow you to focus and to feel, to extend and provide and understand your greater being in its application.
This builds a bit on Bilocation as you will find here and also here and is an application of that. Such exercises as this allow you to focus and to feel, to extend and provide and understand your greater being in its application.
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