The Wand Position

The Wand Position
Often Used for Magic

Friday, June 21, 2013


You may have some concerns about the Supermoon on Sunday June 23 at 4:32 AM Pacific Daylight Time. I can understand these concerns and without putting to fine a point on it, let's do something right now.

I recommend you say, "I am asking for all the most benevolent energies to be all around me and all about me now." Or If you normally feel energy come up before you're going to request something then just let that happen.

Then say, "I am asking that this supermoon coming up be one of beauty that people will remember as a good time and a heartfelt time and a good time with friends, family and neighbors."

That's all. So I wanted to bring that up because there have been concerns and I realize that they're real. Here in Hawaii we had a small earthquake today, about 4.5, north of Molokai and I have to say that the high tide today was unusually high but not a problem.

So - Moon does good things for us most of the time and I think that with our assistance, moon can be a time of beauty and only that.


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