The Wand Position

The Wand Position
Often Used for Magic

Saturday, July 18, 2015

How Often Can You Do Living Prayers

An important question has been asked, specifically about how much time do you have to wait between saying Living Prayers*. This has come up before but I’m making a short post out of it here so that it can more easily be found by using the Labels, in the sidebar, and might be helpful in the future as well. Here is a portion of that person’s comment including the question:

I have a question to ask you…    and find that some of the living prayers are related in as much as once one does the preliminary asking for the most benevolent energies to be available for me…that the following…could be done one after the other or should they be done separately. Also if they are to be done separately what would be the time duration between each one. 

This is what I’d suggest. If a lot of benevolent energy, as you’ve requested, comes through during and after you say a Living Prayer then wait at least 4 to 8 hours before you do another one. 

It doesn’t make any difference whether you’re asking for something for yourself, your friends, your family or people you don’t know. If a lot of benevolent energy comes through it simply means that that energy might still be coming through you an hour or 2 hours later on a gentle level perhaps, meaning you don’t feel it very much but it might still be there - meaning it’s still processing. 

It’s grounding itself onto Earth through you to a degree so that it can accomplish on Earth what you are requesting - you see? 

So, that’s what I’d recommend. If you don’t feel hardly any energy then just wait an hour and you can do another one if you like. 

Alright. Goodlife

*There is another matter I want to bring up and that is that I find that for myself when I hear about or even when I come to know about through the news or what people tell me - some event - perhaps that someone is ill that I know or perhaps there is some tragedy somewhere in my neighborhood, in my city or in the world, there is a wonderful thing we can say.

I have said it and I know that it is more than a prayer - and I know prayer is wonderful - and that is what is called Living Prayer. It is called Living Prayer because it effects the living in benevolent ways and I know we all want to have a benevolent impact on the world if we possibly can.

For example, you might try to say something that would serve some greater good. I would recommend, as a beginning that you, when you're watching the news, if you can when you come across some sadness or tragedy turn it off or mute it for a moment and then say the following Living Prayer: "I am asking..." (and then you fill in the news event - perhaps that car crash or that sickness or disease and then you say where - you don't have to give all the details - you say where it happened and you go on and say) ..."that all those individuals who need help receive all the help they need benevolently, from all those Beings who can help them."

Say this when you've just seen the news or read about it or heard about it. Say it as soon as possible but only if you have the feeling and desire to help.

What truly activates Living Prayer is feeling. It is my belief that feeling is what is the operative creation or the operative function of our world. Many of us have noticed how feeling dogs are or how feeling cats are or horses or other animals, that their feelings seem to be very noticeable and of course we all know that our feelings are important too.

Everyone, every Human Being, every animal, and I believe every plant and every portion of Creation has feeling and that this is a form of universal language.

I believe that through the use of feeling in benevolent ways we can truly improve our world. It's working for me. I hope you find it of value.